Not a Motivational Speaker!

Many people sometimes introduce me as a “Motivational Speaker or Trainer” in their circles. And whenever they do so, my immediate reaction to that is “NOOOO”. Why? Two reasons:

1) I am not a motivational trainer, I help people boost their productivity, design their life for success, and make it purpose-driven and fulfilling through my training and coaching programs.

2) I think the motivation that you get from external environment, specially through motivational talks and videos, is like drugs. If you rely on such talks and videos mainly to motivate yourself, you will feel motivated for a few hours or days and then you will need more.

What I strive to do in my training and coaching programs is to change your mindset and activate those resources inside you that give you “internal motivation” so that you can remain motivated or motivate yourself to get things done as and when needed without needing to rely on any external thing or event!

And that’s one of the reasons I am a big fan of Neuro-Linguistic Programming as among other amazing benefits, it helps you change your mood and feel motivated and energetic instantly, within a few seconds! How good is that? Imagine feeling down and low in motivation to do something, and then having the ability to quickly change your emotional state and feel totally motivated and energetic to literally KILL the task at hand… wouldn’t it be great?

Wouldn’t it be awesome to have the power to motivate yourself and get things done as and when you want without needing to rely on any external thing or event?

It would be really cool, right? So I invite you to join my upcoming training workshops and coaching programs to develop this ability and design and live the life of your dreams.


Wajeeh Uddin – Business Strategist | Seasoned Trainer | Peak Performance Coach