Don’t Let Emotions Take Over Your Sanity!

Why is the brain placed well above the heart in our body? Have you ever wondered why?

There could be many reasons, but one important reason could be a reminder to us that you should never let your emotions take over your intellect when taking important decisions and differentiating between what’s right and what’s wrong. It could be a reminder for us to always think and act wisely in a fair and balanced way!

Sometimes, we get too emotional that we fail to differentiate between right and wrong, and we take some stances or decisions that are not wise and we regret them later in life. Similarly, there are times when we know the truth yet we ignore it and select a wrong path based on our emotions and personal likes and dislikes.

So.. whenever you are in such an emotional state, avoid taking decisions, don’t make or break any commitments, step back, relax, change your state of mind and then think rationally if it’s the right thing to do or not, what will be the consequences both in short-term and long-term, and then decide accordingly.





Wajeeh Uddin – Business Strategist | Seasoned Trainer | Peak Performance Coach